Why Would You Use CardCheck?

CardCheck is a credit card validator and type predictor. It provides a stand-alone script along with a jQuery plugin compatible with jQuery versions 1.9.1 and 2.0.0. Why do you need it? It saves your customers time by instantly telling them of errors in card entry as well as saving them the step of choosing their card type themselves.

Version 2.0.0 - Changelog

  • Added Maestro Card Support.
  • Added testing using qUnit.
  • Updated Plugin for jQuery 1.9.1 and 2.0.0. Either will work fine.
  • Separated out the core functionality and exposed it at CardCheck() to enable your own implementation
  • Added ability to manually fire card evaluation
  • Added ability to access internal processing object of element
  • Fixed a number of bugs and edge cases
  • Support multiple instances of the plugin
  • Broadcast internal events using custom jQuery events on the element ( "cc:EVENT" }
  • There are now three unique ways to setup callbacks.

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Need Custom Integration?

Credit Card Inputs

Multiple Instances Supported. Different display.

Credit Card Numbers for Demo

Enter each card number into the demo above to see it work!

Type Number
Visa 4012 8888 8888 1881
MasterCard 5105 1051 0510 5100
Amex 3714 496353 98431
Discover 6011 0009 9013 9424
Diners Club 3056 93090 25904
JCB 3566 0020 2036 0505
Maestro 6759 6498 2643 8453

Upload the "images" and "js" directory into your site.

Link to the location of your cardcheck plugin. You should use the minified version in production.

<script src="js/cardcheck.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Reminder: Upload Image Directory for the icons

Don't forget to upload the images to your server. The directory included with cardcheck.js includes the folder called "images" that contains the default credit card type icons you see in the demo (Visa, Mastercard, etc). You can easily replace these icons with any other ones that you may have. The sizes do not matter, just the naming scheme.

Basic Initialization

You can get off the ground running without having to pass any settings. Although CardCheck is highly configurable, you do not have to be a javascript expert to use this plugin.

$(document).ready(function() {

Initialization With Custom Settings

Card Check is highly configurable so that you can adjust most of the functionality. Here is an example of how to initialize Card Check with some settings. Learn more in the API Settings section.

$(document).ready(function() {
		iconLocation: '#accepted-cards-images',
		allowSpaces: false

Alternate Methods for Initializing Card Check

Pass an input directly to cardcheck.js as the first parameter. Learn more in the API Settings section.

$(document).ready(function() {
	// Method #1 via jQuery Selector
	$('#credit-card').cardcheck({ iconLocation: '#accepted-cards-images' });
	// Method #2 - first param = element, second param = options
	$.cardcheck('#credit-card', { iconLocation: '#accepted-cards-images' });
	// Method #3 first param defines element through input option along with other options, Second param ignored
	$.cardcheck({ input: '#credit-card', iconLocation: '#accepted-cards-images' });


Chain additional jQuery methods after initializing cardcheck.js.


StandAlone NEW

You control the entire implementation. Copy the code below and paste it in your console.

var myCard = CardCheck({ allowSpaces: false });

myCard.onValid(function(card) {
	alert(card + ' is valid');


You can access the internal instance of the CardCheck object by doing the following:

var myCard = $('#credit-card').cardcheck().cardcheck('instance');

// This allows you to chain as many callbacks as you want 
myCard.onValid(function(card) {
}).onValid(function(card) {

Manually Fire Evaluation NEW

There may be some edge cases where the plugin does not fire automatically. On these cases we allow you to manually call the evaluation method on an instantiated cardcheck element. This example should NOT be implemented, but proves the flexibility of the plugin.

var creditCard = $('#credit-card2');

creditCard.on('cc:onValid', function(event, card) {

// Don't manually manipulate the internal instance properties
// You can... but there is probably a better way to achieve what you want.
var instance = creditCard.cardcheck('instance');
instance._cardNumber = '4012888888881881'; 

Key Default Value Description
acceptedCards:  [
Add or remove items from this list to change the accepted card types. Currently, cardcheck.js only supports the seven major credit cards listed.

This example only accepts Visa and MasterCard.

	acceptedCards: [
Important You cannot deviate from the naming scheme:

[visa','mastercard','amex','diners','discover','jcb', 'maestro']
allowSpaces true This controls whether validation will fail or pass if spaces are entered to separate number blocks. For example, "4111 1111 1111 1111" would be a valid Visa card if this option is enabled.

Important Since this is enabled by default, you should probably have something on the backend that removes any spaces from the credit card field. Otherwise, it may fail when you submit it to your payment processor.
// Here are two example in PHP for how to accomplish this
$credit_card = '4111 1111 1111 1111';

// Simple string replace
echo str_replace(' ', '', $credit_card);
// Outputs: 4111111111111111

// String replace with preg_replace
echo preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $credit_card);
// Outputs: 4111111111111111

enableIcons true Set to true or false to display the credit card icons. If false, the icons will not be appended and you'll be left to use the callbacks alone.

	enableIcons: false

JS Tip Ensure you do not have trailing commas in your code. Trailing commas may cause errors in older browsers. For example, do not add a comma after enableIcons: false in this example.

iconLocation Change this value if you want your icons to be appended somewhere different. By default they will append to the parent element that houses your input. (e.g. They will be siblings)

However it may be easier to control by just setting a specific element like we do in the demo { iconLocation: '#accepted-cards-images' }
Check out how we use this in the demo
iconDir images/

Change this value if you want your icons to be located somewhere different. This allows you to store your images on a CDN or somewhere besides the root domain.

Important You must include the trailing slash.

If you want to define an absolute path, include the full URL like this:

{ iconDir: "http://www.example.com/images/" }

You can also use a directory relative to the script like this:

{ iconDir: "images/" }
iconExt png Change this value if you want to use custom icons with a different extension.
input undefined Initialize cardcheck.js on this input. This provides an optional way to initialize cardcheck.js.

	input: '#credit-card'

Additional Settings Adding Card Types

There are a couple additional settings that are not included above as they involve advanced configuration of the plugin. They really should only need to be edited if one is adding additional credit card types. The uncompressed source code is fairly well documented to support you in this and the actual options are as follows: niceNames, regExpNumCheck, regExpApprox, startNum, and cardLength. Get in touch if you're looking to add a credit card type and we'll assist you in crafting the proper settings.

This is the HTML and scripts used in the demo above. The classes you see here (control-group, controls, pull-left, etc.) are used with Twitter's Bootstrap v2.3.1 CSS.

<!-- Credit Card Number Input -->
<div class="control-group">
    <label class="control-label" for="credit-card"><strong>Card Number</strong></label>
    <div class="controls">
        <input class="xlarge" id="credit-card" name="credit-card" type="text">
        <span id="credit-card-type-text" class="help-inline"></span>

<!-- Card Images Output -->
<div class="control-group">
    <label>Accepted Cards</label>
    <div class="controls">
        <div class="pull-left" id="accepted-cards-images">
            <!-- Icons Automatically Inserted Here -->

<!-- Script to control the card input -->
<script type="text/javascript">

// Make sure that this code goes within a doc ready
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Step #1: Cache Selectors
    var creditCard = $("#credit-card"),
        cardGrandParent = creditCard.parent().parent();
    // Step #2: Setup Callbacks on Events
    creditCard.on("cc:onReset cc:onGuess", function() {


    }).on("cc:onInvalid", function() {

        cardGrandParent.removeClass().addClass("control-group error");

    }).on("cc:onValid", function(event, card, niceName) {

        cardGrandParent.removeClass().addClass("control-group success");

    }).on("cc:onCardChange", function(event, card, niceName) {


    // Step #3: Initialize the cardcheck plugin
    }).cardcheck({ iconLocation: "#accepted-cards-images" });


Testing ensures the stability of the internals of the stand-alone script. The jQuery plugin is only adding a listener to the core and providing card images. View the tests