I could never be hacked.
I hate that I was hacked.
Please let the hack go away.
I’m sad that I was hacked.
I accept that I have to fix this hack.
If you’re still on stage one, consider this: 88% of websites contain a serious vulnerability (Urgent, Critical, or High) and 13% of sites can be compromised automatically. [1] That means the hacker doesn’t even have to look at your website to exploit it. To some people these statistics are shocking. To many though, they think “My website isn’t that valuable. Why would anyone spend time hacking into my website?” Well, you may not see the value of your website, but a hacker sees a goldmine. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure I guess. They see another IP that they can use in launching DDoS or Brute Force attacks. They see processing power they don’t have to pay for to crack passwords or even mine BitCoin. They also see a domain name to send spam from. They see an anonymous location to host their phishing attempts, luring all your customers’ into stealing their data! Your little place on the web is more valuable than you knew. That is why it is so important for everyone to keep their websites secure. Unfortunately security has been difficult and confusing to set up correctly. That is why we recommend using (and use ourselves) services and software like Wordfence for WordPress installations and Securi. It’s also why you should not be afraid to pay for premium hosting or to hire trusted, experienced developers, just like you shouldn’t be afraid to pay for a good construction contractor. Cutting corners can lead to your house falling in on your head.